Thursday, February 5, 2009

Goodbye 02.04.09

You're gone.
Out of my hands.
Gone forever,
with somebody else.
I had the chance,
and I didnt take it.
For the longest time,
I didn't care.
I forgot about you.
But then,
in just one second,
all the memories came back.
Sometimes I was happy.
SOmetimes I was so excited...
So excited for something
to happen.
Sometimes I was so sad,
so devestated.
And yet,
with all the
emotion rollarcoasters,
I still
wanted you.

I Wish You Knew 02.03.09

I Wish You Knew
I want to tell you.
I want to tell you
how I feel.
How hurt I am
How much regret I have.
To tell you that
changed my outlook of life -
To tell you that you've
impacted me.
To tell you that
I hate you.
To tell you that
I still care.

It's Been a Long Time 02.03.09

I can't believe
that I still can't
forget about you.
You don't even know
how much
You've hurt me.
How hard
it was for me
when I found out
you found someone else.
How long has this been?
How long have I been
thinking about you?
It's been
too long.
And as I write
this poem,
and all the others before it,
I can feel it.
I can feel
that I was
those incidents.
And you know what?
It's pretty sad,
that I still can't
forget about you.

Regret 02.03.09

I Look back
on that night
with so much regret.
The words
so fast...
blinding us,
confusing us.
You said this,
I said that.
You know,
could've been...
If it wasn't for me.
I look back
on that night,
thinking of
What I should've
What I could've
What I should've
What I could've
And then,
I stop.
I Stop,
and think.
I don't need this.
I don't need him.
I don't need this

That Song 02.03.09

That Song
When I hear
that song,
your favourite song,
I can't stand it.
The tears come
and every feeling
I was feeling
come back.
It reminds me of all the memories we
had together;
all the regret
I have;
all the good times
we had,
to that song.


Sorry I haven't been posting in quite some time. I've been busy, and I suppose there's not much to say anymore. So, I've liked this guy for a while, and on Halloween, things were all good, we danced at the Halloween dance (slow dancing, btw) and everything was pretty good. He liked me, and I liked him. I was happy. But then rumours came that he still liked his ex-girlfriend. SO, therefore, I was very confused & angry. I decided just to let go, which was hard. He stopped liking me, and same with me. At another friend's birthday party, a girl he liked was there (who shall remain nameless), and they were all snuggly and you know, all the stuff that made me very uncomfortable. They soon started going out, the first day of 2009. It was a bad way to start the year like that. I was crying and so jealous I don't even know why I wasted my time on him.
Then, things were good. I ignored him, and although we were still friends in a way, I couldn't forget how much he hurt me.
Just recently, I was thinking about him a gain, and started to have feelings for him again. It was an unbearable feeling, so poems came to my head. Enjoy : D (in the next entry)

Friday, November 28, 2008


To give you some background information, last year, school was total hell for me. Sorry to swear, if it offends you, but it's true. I pretty much failed everything. Well, I'm over-exagerrating, but yeah, that's what happened. It got a lot of good poems out of me, including School is a Comic Book.

Room 14 (07.02.08)
The place where we
were supposed to be having
the best years of our lives...
but instead ended up applying
to schools everywhere.
Where we made the best of friends,
but also the worst enemies.
The place where we couldn't stand,
but loved at the same time.

Perfection (o7.02.08)
In your world,
maybe there is perfection...
...where you do all your homework,
and get 100% on all the tests.
But you know what?
In the world of teenagers,

there's no such thing
as perfection.
We don't always do our homework,
and we can't get 100% on every single test.
All we care about it
doing well in our video games
and making sure that special
boy or girl
likes us back.
We care about what we're
doing over the weekend,
and where our lost cell phone is.
We care about our family and friends,
and the music we listen to.
We don't care about
pulleys and levers,
and how they work.
We don't care about
biological diversity
what happens in space.
So what do you
keep pushing
perfection on us?
It's not gonna happen.