Friday, November 28, 2008


To give you some background information, last year, school was total hell for me. Sorry to swear, if it offends you, but it's true. I pretty much failed everything. Well, I'm over-exagerrating, but yeah, that's what happened. It got a lot of good poems out of me, including School is a Comic Book.

Room 14 (07.02.08)
The place where we
were supposed to be having
the best years of our lives...
but instead ended up applying
to schools everywhere.
Where we made the best of friends,
but also the worst enemies.
The place where we couldn't stand,
but loved at the same time.

Perfection (o7.02.08)
In your world,
maybe there is perfection...
...where you do all your homework,
and get 100% on all the tests.
But you know what?
In the world of teenagers,

there's no such thing
as perfection.
We don't always do our homework,
and we can't get 100% on every single test.
All we care about it
doing well in our video games
and making sure that special
boy or girl
likes us back.
We care about what we're
doing over the weekend,
and where our lost cell phone is.
We care about our family and friends,
and the music we listen to.
We don't care about
pulleys and levers,
and how they work.
We don't care about
biological diversity
what happens in space.
So what do you
keep pushing
perfection on us?
It's not gonna happen.

Poems about my friends.

These poems are about my friends. One of them is quite ... harsh, I guess you could say, but I was in a fight with her at the time. Once again, comments are definatley welcome.

Happy 06.07.08
I was
happy today,
and I'm
not always.
I was
happy today
when we
about what
used to
in the old
I was
happy today
when we
had fun
the mall,
like what we
used to
I was happy,
about me,
and no one

So Funny 06.07.08
When you put
your arm
around me,
and we laugh
about all
the funny
stuff you say,
it makes
me feel
like we're
best friends.
You swear,
I laugh.
so funny.
But then
when the
class ends,
we walk out,
and I step onto the bus.
Your dad comes.
and you leave.
and I
have to wait
until tomorrow
to hear

all the funny
stuff you say.

Until the End 07.01.08
We were worst enemies;
I remember it well.
It was grade seven,
your locker was next to mine.
You used to lock my locker door,
I used to yell in your face.
Then you
got a hold of my email.
And we started to talk.
We started over.
And then we
both became friends,
almost loved each other
until the very end of time,
and then we
fell apart
and rarely spoke.
You forgot
about all the memories.
But I
love you.
Maybe not
in the way that I used to,
but it's still
that brotherly love.
I will,
the end of time.

No one Cares (07.01.08)
All you ever do is
talk about yourself.
You, You, You.
It's "all about you."

Just because something's
good happening in your life now,
it doesn't mean,
that you're
the most important.
a lof of people,
don't really care -
at all -
about ou
and your
"happy and fabulous life."
No one
really cares.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sometimes (07.02.08)

I wonder if you ever think about me
and all the great things we've done together.
I wonder if you ever wish I was still there for you.
Well, guess what>
I am.
I've always been there.
You haven't.
You're with your friends,
having a good time, and I'm here
if you need me. But
I guess you don't.
Because it's been years
since I've last
seen a movie with you
went shopping .
I wonder if you want me back.
I wonder
what your life is without me.
'Cause it must be pretty lonely.

All About Him.

Now I'm just listing poems I've written in the past. In grade 7-8, I had a crush on this guy who was totally out of my league. He was abnoxious, not really very attractive, and really didn't like me at all. Near the end of grade eight, I was getting really sick of him and realizing he wasn't worth it. But, two days after grade eight ended, he confesed to my friend that he liked me. You would not even believe how happy I was. But we ended up not going out because we were going to new schools for grade nine and he lived on the other side of the city. So, I ended up writing some poems about him. So here they are. Enjoy, and I hope some of you can relate to them. :)

HER 06.30.08
I see you everyday -
you're always smiling.
But then I look
around more
and I see her.
You're always with her.
What's so special about her, anyways?
She doens't even care about you
at all,
you give her
so much attention,
like she's the only girl in the world.
And while I'm standing here,
so far away,
Ready to do anything for you,
and you totally ignore it.
You don't even know that
I'm here.
That I exist.
It's all because of her.
What's so special about her , anyways?

For Once 06.30.08
I've waited almost 2 years.
My friends always said you
"weren't worth it" or that
"you'd come around one day."
But that didn't happen.
I minded my own buissness,
I stayed close to my friends,
I did my best to get your attention.
And then one day,
I just finally
gave up,
and did what made me happy.
I was finally satisfied.
I forgot about you,
and all the wrinkles you've caused,
and I was
for once.

Shake up my Life 07.01.08
Just when life
was getting so
much better,
you had to
step right back in,
and totally shake it up - again.
Just when I forgot all about you,
and all the funny stuff you've done,
you tell me
what I've always
wanted to hear:
"I like you too."
And then
my heard beats,
and you're
always on my mind.
And my life
isn't as peacefull
as it used to

What's wrong with you? 07.01.08
What's wrong with you?
You totally ignore me,
and then you like me.
You disturb the peace
in my life - the only peace
I have ever had.
Then I try
to talk to you,
maybe there will be
something special.
But you
make no effort,
and I
have to make
in my life again.
What's wrong with you?

School is a Comic Book.

If you were reading my other post, this is the first poem I've ever written, School is a Comic Book.
This poem is actually based upon one of my classes. The villian is obviously our teacher, who I shall not name, and the hero is one of my peers. When this was read in class, a lot of my guy friends asked who the hero was. Most of them thought it was the guy I liked, who, will stay unnamed. But really, it was about all of them, sortof like....combined. That's what made them so super.

School is a Comic Book

School is a Comic Book, with the cheesy super heroes and over-dramatic villians. We are the innocent citizens, who are in the villian's lair, doing everything she commands. We are quiet, afraid, bored. There is only one hope to this isane silence - the Class Clown. There is always that one person who is always willing to break the rules and risk everything - our hero. The hero uses its secret weapon - the deadly fake fart. The evil villian turns around and screams. She is using the ultimate threat and her secret weapo: sending out hero to the office. Everyone was entertained, the hero had saved them, but now, when the hero is risking their school reocord, everyone ceases in their laughter and fun, and instead worries about the hero. What can he do when the villian has threatened him with the most cruel and odd punishment for "no absolute reason"? The villian is not happy, and definatley not entertained. She slams her hand on the desk with aggressivenes, but the hero still doesn't care...he is ready for anything. He has thought of all the smart phrases in his head; and we all know that the villian has been defeated, but she refuses to back down. So, she finally uses her weapon - the hero is sent to the office, to the "head honco" himself. The hero leaves silently, and although the villian thinks that she has won, the hero has actually won this round all along. And although we are not applauding, we are celebrating inside. The hero has saved us.
....And then we go back. To sitting down, listening to the villian go on and on. We are quiet, afraid, bored.

Introduction....Welcome to my Blog!

Hey there! Welcome to my blog. This is just an introduction on how I got started with writing poetry and why I created this blog. Feel free to comment. It's not really a need-to-read thing....I just thought I'd give background information.

How I got Started:
I was in the eighth grade and doing a poetry unit in Language Arts. One of our first assignments was do make an extended metaphor , to relate something to school. Like a lot of people, I thought poetry was lame and only for people who were a lot older than me to read. At first, I was thinking about "School is the Internet." But when my friend, Sonya, needed suggestions, and that was the one I gave to her. Then I thought of another on my own, "School is a Comica Book." My teacher read that poem out loud and I got applause from my peers. That was the first time I wrote a poem. The first one I ever wrote. Later on, we had to make a scrapbook full of poems. Now I thought I was in trouble. Most of them had to be free verse, and I had no topics. But when I got writing, I spilled about all of my feelings in there. I recieved 93% on that scrapbook. One of the highest marks I had ever gotten (besides 100% on SOME, but BARELY any assignments). So that's how I got started writing poetry. I found out that it was an amazing way to get all my feelings out, rather than writing it in a journal. And trust me, I have A LOT of journals.

Why I made this blog:
Well, I've only been writing poetry since about April 08, and I've used up an entire notebook already, and I need another place to put my poems. I haven't shared any of my poems with anyone. Actually, no one even knows I write poetry, excpet a few people here and there. So why not create a public blog with all my poems in them? That's what I was thinking. So...TADA !! : )

So that's all. That's the background information from my poetry writing. Please keep reading for more poems!